The Daily Gamecock

8 things to do while classes are canceled

<p>Students can paint canvases for their rooms in Ballroom C of Russell House from 2 to 4 p.m.</p>
Students can paint canvases for their rooms in Ballroom C of Russell House from 2 to 4 p.m.

Staying put in your dorm this weekend? Starting to go a little stir crazy? Have you watched too much “How to Get Away with Murder” and started to freak yourself out a little bit? 

Well, despite the massive amount of flooding that has taken place on and around campus, there is still plenty to do!

  1. Volunteer. In all seriousness, a good part of our city has been damaged. If it is safe for you to go out, there is a student-run flood relief program currently in progress. Over 2,400 students have already signed up to help through UofSC Relief, and you can too.
  2. Watch Netflix. Yeah. I know. This one is super obvious. But with studying for midterms and writing huge essays this month, maybe you haven’t had time to catch up on those shows all your friends have told you about. Start something new, or watch some old Halloween favorites. (Some suggestions: Any of the "Saw," "Scream" or "Scary Movie" films for the franchise inclined, "The Addams Family" if you're nostalgic, or "American Horror Story" if you prefer your Halloween serialized)
  3. Go to Russell House. This safe haven on campus is not only supplying bottled water, but there’s a vast amount of human interaction available — and let’s face it, maybe you need to talk to someone other than yourself in the mirror. Tuesday afternoon, they’re hosting a “Hurricane Joaquin Can’t Stop This” dance party from 1 to 3 p.m., canvas painting from 2 to 4 p.m. and a “Friends” Netflix marathon.
  4. Play games. There are plenty of fun games to play while trapped in your dorm — invite your neighbors over, and a simple deck of cards could turn your next few hours into great memories. In the second floor lobby of Russell House, there are board games, cornhole and a chance to sign a banner for local heroes who have been constantly providing disaster relief. Even the Leadership and Service Center is providing video games so students can relax.
  5. Read a book or study. Getting lost in a good book is a timeless rainy day activity. You could read something for class (because plenty of professors don’t see a problem with continuing to hand out assignments online) or something fun that you haven’t gotten the chance to read. It’s definitely still early in the week, but midterms are coming up, and this is a great time to get a head start
  6. Exercise. Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center is open until the curfew. Or, if you need some fresh air, go for a jog around the safer parts of town. It gets a little hard to breathe if you stay locked in your room all week, and what is a more perfect chance to start getting in shape?
  7. Bake something. OK, I know it was cruel to list this right after a suggestion to exercise, but maybe you deserve it after working out. Scrounge up whatever ingredients you have in your cabinets and get creative! is a website where you check off the stuff you have in your fridge, and it spits out a recipe!
  8. Catch a movie. Whether you hit up the Russell House Theater for “Bourne Supremacy” at 4 p.m. or “Step Brothers” at 6 p.m., these free flicks are a great way to kick back. Plus, AMC Dutch Square 14 is planning to stay open until the curfew, and they’re showing "The Martian," "Hotel Transylvania 2," "The Intern" and several other new movies. If it’s safe for you to venture out from the lair that is your bedroom, this is a great option.


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