The Daily Gamecock

Letter from the Editor


And so the cycle begins again. Moving in, catching up with friends, syllabus week, long nights working on a project or studying for a test, and then it all closes with finals.

But with every semester, the cycle is constantly broken up with new peers and adventures. For many, this semester is the beginning of the end of their time at Carolina. And for others, this is the beginning of it all. Both share the feelings of being bittersweet. A door is closing so a new one can open. Many choices lie ahead. They can be daunting, but in this world, one must look at them as opportunities.

I've pushed off the thoughts of graduation as much as I can, but as the start of classes comes closer, there is one date that sticks in my head: Dec. 12, 2016. After three and a half years, my time at Carolina will come to a close. One more season of football, one more week of finals and one last semester at The Daily Gamecock.

I never thought that Carolina would be my home when I received my acceptance letter in March 2013. My mind has changed since then, and I vow to make the most out of one more semester.

So wherever you are in your college career, take the opportunities. Try that class that you've thought about doing or join that organization that stands for an interest of yours. This is the time for you.

Whether this is your first year or your last, Carolina will find a place in your heart. The cycle may seem hard, but we're lucky we attend a college that offers something new every day.

— Kamila Melko, Editor-in-Chief

Postscript from the Summer Editor

As I step down from the role I've had for the past two months, I can't say that I'm sad to be handing the responsibility back into Kamila's capable hands. I'll be returning in a revived position, one that will give me the privilege of writing and mentoring writers again, tasks I sorely missed this summer.

More than anything, I'm thankful — thankful for the chance to lead a fresh Features section and thankful to be surrounded by such a phenomenal staff as we take on all the challenges of running The Daily Gamecock this fall. If I have learned anything in my time at the newspaper so far, it's that late nights and wonderful people can be the keys to creating something great.

There's no such thing as a perfectly easy day in the newsroom, but there's also no such thing as a day that isn't worth it.

— Emily Barber, Features Editor
