The Daily Gamecock

Republican budget cuts hurt workers

Given the climate in the newly elected Congress, many Republicans are attempting to balance the budget and reduce the deficit. They are planning to do so by cutting many social services and entitlement programs. By doing this, they are treading on what was once considered untouchable political ground. This is best portrayed in Wisconsin, where newly elected Gov. Scott Walker has proposed a bill that would severely limit the collective bargaining power teachers have in negotiating their salaries, pension and health care benefits.

Walker is planning to reduce the state deficit by limiting public workers’ and teachers’ ability to negotiate for benefits and working conditions, all the while limiting their ability to request higher wages to the consumer price index. He is proposing such a bill to reduce the $137 million deficit the state currently faces. Ironically, Republicans have blown up the deficit by providing big businesses like Wal-Mart around $130 million worth of tax cuts. Republicans are using a political strategy known as “starving the beast.” When they provide large tax cuts, the revenue they lose from lowering taxes must replaced. In order to reduce the deficit created, they cut spending for programs they don’t agree with, including social security, Medicare, welfare and public schools. GOP members justify such cuts by claiming they are doing so to reduce the deficit.

Arguing that teachers should pay for a greater share of their pensions and health care is reasonable. Completely stripping them of their right to strike and negotiate for higher wages, acceptable working conditions and benefits, however, is an attack on unions and the many years people fought for the right to form them. It is easy to see why the people of Wisconsin are upset.
