The Daily Gamecock

Sounds of Sustainability promotes green living, provides local food, music

Free concert provides activities, local food, bands

The West (Green) Quad hosted a free concert for USC Thursday evening on the building's terrace.

The concert, Sounds of Sustainability, promoted environmental awareness and featured several local bands from the Columbia area. Local vendors provided the food and students participated in activities such as fire spinning, environmentally friendly crafts and face painting.

Some even tried out blender biking, where someone pedals on a bike, which then powers a blender.

Featured bands included Sun-Dried Vibes, kemp ridley and Papa String Band.

Lea Steiner, a Green Quad intern, helped organize the event. Steiner, a second-year nursing student, is a member of Students Advocating a Greener Environment (SAGE) and the Green Quad Learning Community. SAGE members promote greater environmental awareness, education and activism at USC and in the Columbia area. This is the second year Green Quad has hosted Sounds of Sustainability.

"SAGE did it last year," Steiner said. "We heard it got rained out. The seniors who organized it last year graduated, so we took it on this year."

Around mid-evening, 50 or so students and locals were sprawled across the Green Quad Terrace. Blankets and band equipment covered the ground. Several tables were set up with food and information from local environmentally focused organizations.

Caterers for the evening included zpizza and Rosewood Market, a local vegetarian deli. Students brought their own plates to reduce waste. Sugar Mama's Vegan Treats for the Soul supplied desserts.

Steiner said that the event was intended to encourage minimizing consumption and waste, a primary mission for West Quad, a LEED-certified building.

"It's promoting sustainability and taking care of the environment," Steiner said, adding, "We envisioned people romping around outside in the good weather and listening to music."

Baldwin Hall, a second-year international business student, was another intern who helped to organize Sounds of Sustainability. Hall said the event was intended to promote "local bands, local food and doing things without using energy".

Myoung Su Ko, a graduate student at USC, was working the table for Connect by Hertz, a green business that allows students over 18 to rent cars at an hourly rate on campus.

"We have so many things, so many events," she said. She had a smile on her face and said she was enjoying herself and having fun during the concert.
