The Daily Gamecock

USC mail center saves time, paper with new package alert system

E-mail ideal way to notify students

If you're like me, getting mail at school is an event.

Opening an empty mailbox when I'm expecting something (especially a package) is such a letdown. Thanks to the USC Mail Center's new package notification system, I can save myself a trip to the post office and check my e-mail instead to see when the latest Lady Gaga CD or those homemade treats have arrived for me.

Kristyn_Winch_COLOR_WEBUsing e-mail to notify students about package pickup is a great idea. Since most students check their university e-mail multiple times a day, the process is pretty convenient. It saves students a trip to the post office and saves the university a lot of paper because there are no more yellow slips placed in mailboxes. Students don't have to print out the e-mail notifications either, so paper is saved on both sides. For a university that claims to be environmentally friendly, I believe this was a smart move.

And instead of using paper slips, a simple scan of your CarolinaCard is all it takes for a mail room employee to see if you have a package waiting.

The only problem I see with the new system is that the notification process is a little slow. Unless you have access to e-mail on your phone, you may not have a chance to check for a notification until after the post office is closed. This is a pain because a student could have a package in the mail room but not know about it until after 5 p.m. The only solution I see to this problem is asking an employee to scan your card if you're expecting an important package. Since it is a quick process, it's not likely an employee will be annoyed with you if your package isn't there.

Other than wait time, I haven't experienced any problems with the new notification system. It's saved me a lot of time.

Thank you, USC, for making the on-campus mail system a little more convenient for us all.


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