The Daily Gamecock

In Our Opinion: Bid day back, battle for respect not over

After a week of confusion, excuses, blame, open forums, ridicule and private meetings, it seems the "croakie rebellion" can now end. Fraternity bid day will happen Friday.

We're genuinely happy that hundreds who want to join fraternities can do so. They surely deserve that right. But Greek Life now has a sullied black eye that came from an incriminating timeline handed out by USC officials.
How many people will now think scholarship and leadership about USC's fraternities?

And that's really unfortunate. For all the bad stuff we've heard about the Greek Village this week, there's a lot of good down there, too. Greek Life is a positive for this campus; it stands for so many words our society could really use.

So, now, let us come together and go forth with two things: Bid Day, and a healthy discourse about how USC's Greek system can best move forward.
Greek students are not just 20 to 25 percent of the student body.

Your village is not a separate campus. Your world is our world. Your actions reflect on us. And our actions reflect on you.

We are all Carolinians, and this university is only as good as its weakest link, whether it's Greek or non-Greek.

There can no longer be more of the same. If breaking tradition means breaking the long-distilled principles of drunken illegality and hazing, then we should shatter it with mortar bricks.

So come Friday, at least some fraternities can take new members. We only hope this new class can begin the climb back to where fraternity life should be.


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