The Daily Gamecock

Business fraternity offers interview tips

Delta Sigma Pi hosts information table following last week's career fair

As a follow-up to last week’s career fair, professional business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi hosted an information table on Wednesday and Thursday to give students interview and resume tips.

Rachel Evans, a second-year global supply chain and operation management student, helped host the event as a member of the fraternity.

“We just wanted to follow up with the career fair and help students who have an interview to succeed in getting their dream job or internship,” Evans said.

Delta Sigma Pi provided students with handouts of interview and resume tips, including “do’s and don’ts” when applying for careers and internships.

Evans suggested researching the company of interest prior to the interview.

“The company will notice, and it shows that you care and are interested in the opportunity,” Evans said.

“Perfect Interview” can be scheduled with the Career Center, in which students may conduct a mock interview with a career specialist to help improve their skills before meeting with an employer. The interview can also be recorded for students to replay and correct themselves.

Evans suggested using the STAR (situation, task, action, result) method when asked behavioral questions in an interview. She said employers often use these types of questions to learn more about the potential employee’s attitude and method for solutions in difficult situations.

Students are encouraged to state the situation, the task they were asked to do, their actions and the results. Following these steps helps give the employer a clear picture of the situation and the results in a brief and organized way.

Following an interview, students were told to send a thank-you note to the employer immediately.

“Employers and recruiters still appreciate them,” Evans said.

Writing a resume based on the career was also emphasized. Evans suggests getting advice from employers in the field on how to write an organized resume that stands out.

When sending a professional email, it should be three to five sentences. Include when last speaking to the correspondent, be specific in what the email is regarding and let the recipient know you will be awaiting a response.

Employers are beginning to view profiles on LinkedIn, a social media website that highlights students’ resumes and professional aspects that employers and recruiters may be interested in.

“It gives you more space to share your professional information,” said Julian Oliveros, a fourth-year economics and management student. “It’s more personable.”

The website also allows students to refer people based on their prior knowledge and experience, as well as meet those with similar professional interests. Delta Sigma Pi partnered with the Career Center to help provide undergraduate and graduate students with the most effective information.

“Partnering with student organizations is a great opportunity because students listen to students,” said Erica Lake, assistant director for employer relations. “Peer-to-peer education is very helpful, and Delta Sigma Pi is a great avenue to share the message.”

The fraternity plans to host the information table again in the upcoming fall semester to help prepare students prior to the career fair.

“We just want to share our knowledge that we gained from our classes and fraternity with students from every major,” Evans said.



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