The Daily Gamecock

USC Connect still in stages of construction

Program's technology progresses, has room to grow


USC decided to allot $500,000 per year to the project, which is in existence in compliance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools mandate for a Quality Enhancement Plan. According to Irma Van Scoy, executive director of USC Connect, the program, currently in its first year, is planned to last a minimum of five years. She expects USC Connect to last at least through the next SACS visit, which will be in 10 years. Van Scoy has also noted the provost saying the program has the potential to be as successful as University 101, which started in the 1970s.

"I would expect that if the program is progressing well, it would be continued to be supported at a comparable level in the future," Van Scoy said, adding that the current budget is not as high as the estimated $500,000 per year.

Van Scoy said the budget will increase in the future as the program builds capacity and is able to use money to support initiatives.

USC has also decided to hire a paid graduate assistant for USC Connect, who will receive a stipend of either $7,500 or $8,000, depending on the student's year at the university. The GA will also receive a tuition reduction of $2,100.
A revised version of USC Connect's website went live minutes before Tuesday's forum in the Russell House Theater. The website now includes a word document template that enables students to create their own USC Connect posters, just like those featuring successful students posted around campus. Students can enter information into the template about their coursework and experiences — both in and outside the classroom. However, USC Connect has not decided what it will do with completed templates.

USC Connect also encourages students to use e-Portfolios, which are available through their Blackboard account, to upload pictures and videos of their experiences. Van Scoy said the portfolios were "not intuitive" and there needs to be a link on USC Connect's website with pictures and screen shots that show how to easily access the portfolios. Currently, it takes several steps for students to access their basic portfolios, and additional steps to access the template.

"We're going to work on streamlining it and make it easier for people to get there," Van Scoy said.

The revised website also includes a link to the USC Connect student representative board and USC Connect Council. Caroline Hendricks, a member of the student board, said the board's purpose is to promote USC Connect to the student body.

"The board itself is a beyond-the-classroom experience," Hendricks said, adding that it has helped her develop skills and outreach communication to other students.

Jessica Kaczmarek is a second-year chemistry student who also works with USC Connect.

"From a student's perspective, USC Connect is more than writing up your resume," Kaczmarek said. She added that it's more than preparing for a career, going to class or attending club meetings.

The program encourages students to think about how coursework and activities link together, Kaczmarek said, adding that USC Connect raises awareness of the reflection process.

The student representative board is still looking for more members, according to Hendricks. There will be a meeting Thursday at 6 p.m. in Russell House 302.


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