The Daily Gamecock

Obamacare lacks flexibility, affordability

Citizens need room to develop own solutions

The best method to solve problems is to come up with solutions yourself. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the individual mandate could be improved to give Americans more room to use their own judgment to solve problems.

Obamacare forces states to put more people onto their Medicaid rolls. Though this is well-intentioned, the policy will only create more problems for states striving to maintain financial stability and  negatively affect the poorest states.

Allowing low-income citizens to start a health savings account along with their Medicaid would lessen the strain. States would save money and citizens would also have more power over their insurance.

The government should also encourage low-income families to get their children preventive health screenings through school nurses. If follow-up care is needed they could be sent to a family doctor or university for community-based care. Programs like this would encourage people to think ahead with their health care.

Obamacare has several limitations when it comes to making health care accessible, but some programs could make a healthy life more widely available and affordable to citizens. As with homes, health care should be available in many different price ranges based on what each family can afford. Everyone should have the opportunity to live a healthy life within their financial situation — and this can be accomplished without an encroaching or overbearing government.
