The Daily Gamecock

Career Center hosts annual Opportunity Knocks fair

Program aids alumni and students in all aspects of job searching

As the new school year begins, many students are beginning to search for something elusive — a job opening.

 Last Tuesday, that hunt became real as students came to the Russell House Ballroom for the Opportunity Knocks part-time job fair.

As a part of Carolina Welcome Week, the job fair offered a chance for students who were interested in working part-time this semester to check out openings throughout Columbia.

For first-year biology major Dustin Praylow, it was a chance to scope out the field of options — and to land a few interviews.

"[It was a] unique and eye-opening experience," he said.

But the Career Center, which hosted the event, offers other resources for students looking for a job, too.

Its JobMate database lists a number of on- and off-campus openings, both full- and part-time, for current students and USC alumni. Students can upload résumés and search through a variety of opportunities on the site, which is updated regularly.

The center also maintains a website full of tips and instructions on how to write a résumé, find a job, transition into the workforce after graduation and gain experience beforehand.

The Career Center has two offices on campus: one on the sixth floor of the Business Administration building and one on the first floor of the Swearingen Engineering Center.

At those offices, the center holds daily on-call hours from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday during which students can speak with a career counselor without needing an appointment.

If they need more assistance, students can also schedule an appointment.
Students can also sign up for a listserv the Career Center maintains or follow it on social media.

The Career Center is on Twitter @UofSCCareers and on Facebook at


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