The Daily Gamecock

Undecided voters running out of time

Citizens should have  picked sides by now

With the election seven days away, most Americans have made a choice between Presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. After three presidential debates and months of campaigning, the candidates have made their cases, and it’s now up to the public to decide.

Americans may be dedicated to having their voices heard, but some of them still don’t know what their voice is saying. Five percent of voters claim to be undecided, even with the election date approaching .

The thought that someone who has truly followed the election could still be undecided is unfathomable. After three highly promoted debates, hours of TV ads and the easily accessible information about each candidate, undecided voters don’t have an excuse.

These are people who are already registered to vote, have committed to voicing their opinion and have not chosen yet.

I understand the importance of this election. America is hurting, and it’s our constitutional right and duty to select who we believe will best fit the job of revitalizing, protecting and promoting the success of America. It’s a big job, with big responsibilities and even bigger consequences, but decision day is coming.

The candidates have claimed their ground and explained their proposed policies. The time is now.

Next Tuesday, when they walk into that booth, the names will be on the ballot, but they can only pick one. No matter what side they’re leaning to, undecided voters are running out of time without an excuse to fall back on.


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