The Daily Gamecock

Election Day not for students’ resting purposes

Everyone should take opportunity to cast vote


Tomorrow is finally Election Day. In honor of this important day, the university has closed and cancelled classes. A midweek break for some marks the opportunity to make a difference.

For in-state students, or even students from neighboring states, cancelled classes provide a chance to rush home to your designated voting poll and cast your ballot. For students unsure about driving home “just to vote”: Reconsider the ramifications of taking a lazy day here in Columbia.

Not casting your vote eliminates your voice from this election and the four years that follow it. Right now, the issues of this election may seem far from relatable, but in four years, these issues may be a lot more relevant. USC recognizes the importance of this election and of the young voter’s voice. Cancelled classes are an opportunity and an encouragement to vote, not a free personal day to relax and unwind. 

Regardless of where we are from, who we are voting for or what stage of our life we find ourselves in, voting is a constitutional responsibility to not only our generation, but the generations that will follow. A couple hours of driving seems insignificant when compared to the duty endowed to us by the Founding Fathers.

I encourage all USC students who haven’t already made your voice heard to go home and vote this Tuesday. Homecoming weekend is around the corner and there will be opportunities to rest then. Don’t miss the one presented to us by our country and supported by our university to vote. This is our chance to help make decisions for our future. 


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