The Daily Gamecock

Stress-free move in guide

Whether you’re moving into your first dorm room or your third apartment, moving is stressful. While looking at your piles of boxes and Costco size packages of Kraft Easy Mac, you may be thinking that you have no idea where to begin. Just step back, take a deep breath and follow these four steps to a stress-free move.

STEP ONE: Packing
To make the process a whole lot easier, stay organized from the beginning.

Make a list of everything that needs to be packed and separating these into appropriate piles.
Invest in some vacuum-seal storage bags for clothes and bedding for the most room in the car.
Clearly label each box or bag.
Decide what is necessary to buy before hand or buy once you get to school
Tip: Bed Bath and Beyond provides a service so you can scan everything you’d like in the store, pay for it then pick it up at a store closest to your school!

STEP TWO: Preparing
Packing isn’t the only preparation necessary for a smooth move. Thinking ahead is key.

Know the layout of your room before you get there. You may not be able to know the exact shape and size of your room if you are in a dorm, but try talking to friends or resident mentors to get the most information you can. If you’re moving into a house or an apartment, set up a time to take measurements and pictures.
Once you have this information, sketch a picture of your room and a furniture set up that will work.
Communicate with your roommate(s) as much as possible ahead of time.
Tip: Ask your roommate(s) what day and approximate time they are moving in so you can plan a time before that to start moving in. Less bodies in the room equals less stress
If you need to turn on cable, electricity or water for your house/ apartment, schedule those dates in advance.
Grab a Starbucks, listen to your favorite song, or anything else to start your day in a positive light.

All of this preparation has come down to this day. Make this day exciting instead of overwhelming.

Make an ordered unpacking list to avoid box pile up in your room. Know what order you will unpack each thing based on their size or importance.
After unpacking as much as possible, make a list of items you may need at the store and know what will be put in them to save yourself from multiple trips to the store.
Tip: For popular items like storage bins, call ahead to make sure they have what you or looking for or look online.
Don’t try to do it all in one sitting. Take a break, go get some lunch and clear your head a bit before starting again.
Prepare for the worst. This sounds negative, but be ready for things to not go quite as you planned. Have any important numbers already saved (landlord, RM, etc) and prioritize which issues need to be taken care of first.
Make sure everything has a place. Chances are, if you leave those sweaters in the corner of your room because you don’t know really where to put them right now, they will stay there for the rest of the year. While unpacking, specify a box to throw miscellaneous items in, but return to them later and designate them a place.

You’ve worked hard, take a deserved break.

Be proud of yourself for staying calm during your move and enjoy an amazing year in your new place!


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