The Daily Gamecock

Carolina Productions office moves to 3rd floor of Russell House

Leadership and Service Center moves into Campus Life Center

The Carolina Productions offices have moved out of the Campus Life Center in Russell House to make room for the university’s new Leadership and Service Center.

By this end of this month, CP will set up in a new $110,000, 867-square-foot space on the third floor of Russell House. The new office is paid for by student life funds, according to Kim McMahon, director of Russell House and Campus Life.

The move, though not requested by CP, is welcomed by the group, said CP President Erik Telford.

“We’ve always noticed that we had sort of a cramped space,” Telford said. “We do a lot of fun things, loud things. And when you’re in an area with three or five other organizations, it’s difficult to be efficient in a space like that.”

CP’s new home will house 11 staff members, a conference room and storage space for items like the group’s popcorn machine and pop-up tent. It also locates the organization close to student media offices, which is important, Telford said, because it creates easier opportunities for on-air or print interviews with talent CP brings to campus.

Most importantly, Telford said, the new office gives CP an area it can identify as its own.

“People can walk by and say, ‘This is where CP is,’” Telford said.

The new Service and Leadership Center that takes CP’s place in the Campus Life Center is an initiative to add new programs and infrastructure to support the university’s leadership agenda and focus on integrative learning, McMahon said.
