The Daily Gamecock

First year students describe early experiences

Going to college for the first year can be like entering a whole new world. Freshmen give a unique perspective on what Columbia and USC are like for the first time. Here are some thoughts from a few first-year students had on their first few days as a Gamecock.

Troy Galan­ — Broadcast journalism

“The first night I ended up having to walk a friend back home. We actually ended up walking all the way around campus because we didn’t know there was a bridge over to Bates [House residence] … I was a little worried — Columbia isn’t the safest place at 2:30.”

Nic Crisanto — Mechanical engineering

“Despite what people say, I really like living in the dorms. One day, my RM and I just went around to each floor knocking on doors to try to get people to play a pick-up football game. We ended up getting a game together and it was pretty great.”

Rose Guza — History

“Well, after the Carolina Alert and everything and having someone walk into our room [at West Quad], we all started sleeping with kitchen knives under our pillows … I do like all the free stuff people keep handing out at Russell House.”

Jordyn Barham — Business

“I’m actually on the swim team, so that’s been most of what we’ve been doing for the first couple days. We had to do a stadium run yesterday when it was like 102 degrees and then take a cold ice bath.”

Sam Barnhart — Sports and Entertainment Management

“The first night I got stuck in the elevator with like 15 other people. It was hot and a long time in a small space. But it was with my whole floor [from Bates House], so I guess we bonded.”


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