The Daily Gamecock

Wear what you want


First off, let me start by saying this is not about trends. This article is not about fashion, style or matching. This article is about how to dress so that you feel good about yourself walking around the USC campus.

USC trends can be seen almost immediately upon entering the campus. Girls wear long T-shirts, Nike shorts and tennis shoes and guys can be seen sporting chubbies and button-up shirts. You can follow these trends or carve your own path. Whatever you choose to do, here are some tips for staying comfortable while trekking around campus.

Wear comfortable shoes. Just in case you hadn’t noticed, USC is composed of torn up walkways, endless left and right turns and miles of steep, challenging hills. Wearing those new heels, sandals or $200 pair of Jordans may not be the best idea. But if you like blisters, scuffs and tired soles, don’t let anyone tell you you can’t.

Dress appropriately. This may be your first time going to a school without a dress code. Perhaps you are excited to wear a skirt that does not fall past your fingertips or sag your shorts. However, when you walk into a classroom dressed like you are going to a music festival, it is hard to gain respect from your professors. Dressing like you are here to impress your future employer can never hurt your case.

Leave your PJs at home. Nothing screams "I just woke up and I don’t want to be here" like a T-shirt and some pajama pants. Don’t be that guy. Your professors will definitely notice you. And not in a good way.

Don’t let the people in your dorm influence your outfit. You may notice that many of the students dress exactly the same. But don’t let this influence your decision to wear that new, exotic shirt or those bright red shoes. Expressing yourself the way you want to is part of discovering the real you, so don’t be intimidated. Go for it!

Wear what you like. These are not rules and guidelines, just advice. If you really like your Star Wars onsie and want to wear it everyday, go for it. Wearing what you like and not what everyone else likes shows that you are an individual and that you know how to be true to yourself.
