The Daily Gamecock

College cinema: 4 flicks for students

College life is difficult. With rammed course loads, friends, part­-time jobs and finals, a student’s life can often be overwhelming.

When you’re in a semester rut, nothing is better than a cinematic pick-­me-­up. Skip movies about the high school life and instead settle down with one of these four college films for a relatable movie night.

“Damsels in Distress” (2011) 

“Damsels in Distress” is the story of three college students determined to make a difference. These preppy young women attempt to assist those at their university who are not as cultured and intelligent as themselves through a suicide prevention center and other advice­-giving platforms. The movie is a tongue-in-­cheek commentary on social classes and college life and also may or may not include a fabulous dance craze and a huge amount of grunge ­fighting. This Whit Stillman-directed gem leaves the viewer feeling empowered and ready to change his or her campus.

“Rudy” (1993)

Rudy is an underdog story about an undersized football player who plays on the Notre Dame college football team. With hard work and determination, Rudy overcomes countless obstacles as he learns that hard work really does pay off and achieves fame through shining school spirit and a single senior­ year football game. Starring Sean Astin, this film will inspire students to work hard and to chase dreams ­­even when stress and other seemingly insurmountable obstacles stand in their way.

“Monsters University” (2013)

While not quite as memorable as its predecessor “Monsters, Inc.,” “Monsters University” still remains a perfectly heartwarming prequel to the original Mike and Sulley story we all know and love so well. Following the little green monster Mike Wazowski as he battles his way through Monsters University and befriends Sulley, the film accurately captures the freshman struggles of adjusting to a big college such as USC, finding friends among crowds of students and learning to play to your strengths. This film will make students feel warm and fuzzy inside and take them back to childhood while still managing to transition into a relatable movie about post­-high school life.

“Legally Blonde” (2001)

Spend a couple of hours with this film, and that far­away degree will seem a little less daunting ­­after all — if Elle Woods can make it through law school, that bachelor’s in psychology should be a piece of cake. “Legally Blonde” tells the story of a sorority darling who sets out to prove her intelligence through obtaining a law degree. On the way she bends, snaps and finds love, becoming the ultimate endearing character. This film can provide comic relief on even the most homework-ridden days. The hijinks of Woods and her sorority sisters, law colleagues, friends and foes are sure to make the college experience look slightly less serious and a little more laughable.
