The Daily Gamecock

Places to not take your family over Parents Weekend

Five Points (at night)

One of the biggest entertainment districts in Columbia, Five Points has plenty to offer to you and your parents. Throughout the day and evening, it's a great place to grab a bite or get in some shopping. But once night falls, the atmosphere goes through a rather big change. The bars are packed and the streets are full, especially since Gamecock football will have just wrapped up a home game. And some of those sights aren't exactly what your parents are hoping to see. You'll have plenty of weekends during your college years to go "DT," but it's probably best to take this one off if you're hosting your family. 

Memorial and "Frat" Tailgate Lots

The stories that come out of many of the popular tailgate lots at USC are the stuff of legend. But like certain aspects of Columbia's nightlife, they might offer the kinds of memories your parents don't want to make during their visit. Additionally, many of these lots require a wristband for admittance and limit the number of people who can come in. Instead, try the fairgrounds lots, which offer a more "family-friendly" atmosphere. You can also check out the university's official Parents Weekend tailgate.

On Campus Dining

It's not that USC doesn't have some solid on-campus dining options. Indeed, Carolina is usually highly ranked compared to other campus dining options around the country. But it's the same food you've been eating for months now. Plus, one of the biggest tropes of Parents Weekend is being treated to a nice meal by your parents. So take advantage of having family in town to go out and branch out into off campus options. In need of recommendations? Check out The Daily Gamecock's restaurant recommendations for Parents Weekend


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