The Daily Gamecock

Arthur Braswell

How To: Surf

Although the Northern Hemisphere is chilling into fall, there are still a few weekends on the water left.

Get along with your freshman year roommate

Moving into a dorm your freshman year can be an enriching, exciting experience. You likely have a roommate for the first time in your life, someone who you get to confide in and share very limited space with. Moving out of your dorm can be even more exciting if your roommate situation didn’t go as planned. Here’s to hoping the former is more exciting than the latter.

Books to read this fall (that you won't be graded on)

So, another semester at college means an end to another relaxing summer without a summer reading list. However, for those select few who hold a bit of nostalgia for joggling the sand out of your paperbacks, fall classes are no reason to stop reading for leisure. Here is a quick list to get you back in the habit.

Grad students present campaign proposal for Family Promise

Graduate students at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications met with a national non-profit organization on Monday to present ideas for a press campaign. Family Promise, the organization, aims to “improve the lives of families living in poverty.” Senior Instructor Lisa Sisk taught the class of thirteen students in her summer class, JOUR 725: Integrated Communications Campaigns.

Indie Grits receives hefty grant

Columbia’s Nickelodeon Theatre recently received the prestigious “Our Town” grant from the National Endowment for the Arts on behalf of the Indie Grits Film Festival that the theater hosts each spring.

Stuart experiments with sound and song

Greg Stuart, who teaches graduate courses in USC’s School of Music and undergraduate courses at South Carolina Honors College, performed a one-song, 30 minute set at Conundrum Music Hall on Sunday night.

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