The Daily Gamecock

Daily Gamecock Endorsement: Katie Thompson for student body vice president

Both candidates were quintessential politicians, determined to have us believe everything they said regardless of how ridiculous or untrue the statements sounded.

Katie Thompson seemed to greatly exaggerate the role she played in executing plans to replace Cocky's Caravan with a new taxi system. But more disappointingly, she defended her irrational and absurd plan to reduce the cost of parking tickets from $5 to $2 in hopes students wouldn't be as concerned about the tickets, rack up more of them and, as a result, garner increased revenue for the university. Instead of admitting how ridiculous this proposal is, Thompson smiled, seeming to believe that a plan encouraging students to break the law actually makes sense and benefits the University of South Carolina.

Our editorial board quickly decided John Cuenin is not qualified for this position. He admitted to betraying Student Body Vice President Taylor Cain and not going through proper channels when making decisions as president pro tempore — or second in command — of the Student Senate. Cuenin admitted he hadn't met with many students inside his own College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He also conceded things he has promised on the campaign trail aren't necessarily feasible.

Most importantly, members of The Daily Gamecock editorial board quizzed Cuenin on eliminating parking tickets in the Greek Village during meal times. He told The Daily Gamecock he'd reconsidered that proposal and no longer thought it was feasible. He blamed a staff member when a Greek member of the editorial board recollected hearing his campaign recently promise such.

In subsequent online messages after the interview, he told The Daily Gamecock he'd never made such a promise. We won't accuse someone of lying, but we're not sold on his candidacy in the slightest.

Thompson, while not as straightforward as we'd like, has a record of fighting for students. She spoke out against Cocky's Caravan, which she believed represented a gross misuse of student funds. While the degree to which her involvement mattered in making the taxi service a reality can be debated, there is no doubt that she has invested some time and energy into this effort.

In addition, we believe Thompson could effectively lead the Student Senate, a body that makes important decisions that affect all of us. She could also work alongside any of the presidential candidates to get things done at USC.

It is with this in mind that our editorial board has decided to endorse Thompson's candidacy for vice president. We're hoping she can grow into this position and become an effective leader, and we hope she grows quickly.

In full disclosure, seven members of the editorial board reluctantly voted for Ms. Thompson. Zero voted for Mr. Cuenin. Two members said they were uncomfortable endorsing either candidate.


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