The Daily Gamecock

In our opinion: SG winners now must govern, communicate

We've heard your speeches. Your keychains are in our pockets. We're writing with your pens.

And for the next 49 weeks, we'll likely hear a lot less from SG.

That's not good. We don't want that.

To Katie Thompson and Joe Wright or Rohail Kazi, we want action, communication and outreach.

Your work should match your platforms. We want to see improvements with the meal plan system. We'd like to see campus organizations partner more with each other.

Keep making progress on taking the CarolinaCard off campus. Make this free cab service happen. Develop new diversity initiatives that include minority students.

Make Senate meetings relevant and more than 30 minutes of meaningless resolutions.

And actually fill the Senate. Right now, there are more than 20 seats empty on a given week. There must be 52 students who want to serve. SG leaders say this year's Senate will be closer to full. Let's hope so.

We also want communication and outreach. Less than 10 percent of the student body voted in this year's election. Let students know that SG can help them. Reach out. And when students don't return the favor, keep reaching out. You are elected to these positions to make students care. It's not enough that you keep office hours. Find students and talk to them. Set up on Greene Street and ask for suggestions.

And broadcast your successes. It may sound simple, but help students see how you're helping them. Your stigma will quickly change.

Let's face it: SG doesn't have a reputation for efficiency and success at USC. It doesn't have to be that way.

Spend your money wisely. Reach out to students. Follow through on your promised initiatives.

Elections are almost over. You've promised enough.

Now govern.


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