The Daily Gamecock

Letter to the Editor: Russell House ticket pickup more efficient

Old system eliminates lottery, student stress

 In fall 2007, there was not a lottery system. Instead, we would go to the Russell House and get tickets before class or when our schedules would allow.
By doing it that way, everyone was pleased with the ticket distribution and there was no chaos whatsoever in the student section.

Picking up tickets and not using the lottery system worked then and it could definitely work now.

If, for some reason, you couldn't go to RH to pick up your ticket, a friend could get it for you with your CarolinaCard. I propose going back to this old system and having students pick up tickets their tickets from the Russell House.
Since there's an upper deck now for students, I think the first 9000 students should get lower deck tickets in the student section and the next 2000 students should get the upper deck tickets.

Also, the deck the student sits in should be printed on the ticket.

Doing it the old way allows friends, sororities and fraternities to sit together and have a great time during home football games.

This is a simple solution that worked for many years and I'm sure it could work now.

— Kristen McCluney, 2011 graduate of USC


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