The Daily Gamecock

In Our Opinion: Students urged to attend ticket forum

The university will host a forum to hear students’ voices on potential changes to student ticketing this evening at 5:30 in the Russell House Theatre.

Changes to the system are being weighed in order to improve the simplicity, reliability and consistency of student ticketing, while also looking at ways to curtail a variety of issues within the student section.

TicketReturn is a broken and rigid system, no doubt. Many issues within the student section, such as a distinctly altered design for upper-deck tickets, are simply not possible with TicketReturn, which could be solved with a more flexible platform. Clearly, we feel this needs to change.

Additionally, we’ve previously waxed poetic about our vehement opposition to many of the administration’s proposed solutions to curtail overcrowding and rowdiness in the lower-deck student section.

Paying additional fees for student tickets should simply not be an option. There should never be a price on a priceless experience. Opening the questionamarket of buying and selling student tickets will simply detract from the experience, and further limit access to tickets for those students less privileged than some.

We also find assigned seating a simply preposterous idea. Students will struggle to sit with friends, and the Greek Village may feel the need to start their own “Occupy” movement, as fraternities and sororities won’t be able to populate entire sections. Just because other SEC schools adopt this system (Georgia) doesn’t mean it’s the proper solution.

The system is flawed and needs to be fixed, and we don’t want to administration’s ideas to be the answer.

Most students have something to say about the system; now’s the chance to be heard and provide your two cents to a system that provides an experience like none other.


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