The Daily Gamecock

Safety laws for mo-peds should be stricter

Drivers risk injury no matter their age

The article, “Students opt for mo-peds as cheaper way to travel across campus,” tells of the increasing popularity across USC of this European style of transportation. The obvious parking discrepancy on campus is leading to more students investing in the cross between a scooter and motorcycle to decrease parking stress and save money on gasoline.

AnnieWilsonWebBecause drivers of mo-peds can squeeze into tight spaces and can park with bicycles, there is much more available space for drivers to park. They can be parked much closer to buildings than cars can and are much easier to maneuver. With mo-peds, parking fees are drastically reduced, allowing students to not have to worry about parking or tickets.

Though mo-peds may be cheaper and more convenient than cars, I believe they are much more dangerous. The size of the mo-peds makes riders think that they can zip through traffic, but this is extremely problematic because cars around them have no way of seeing or knowing they are there. South Carolina requires that operators of a “two-wheeled motorized device” — be that motorcylce or mo-ped — under the age of 21 wear a helmet. If this were to change — if laws required all motorcyclists and low-power cyclists to wear helmets, no matter their age — then the number of injuries would greatly decrease. If a student not wearing a helmet were to be hit by a car, there would a tremendous likelihood for serious injury. However, there would be less of a chance of injury if students were to wear a helmet and proper clothing, such as a leather jacket and secure shoes.

Student mo-ped drivers must take it upon themselves to drive their machines with caution and always be one step ahead of drivers and pedestrians around them to ensure they will be safe.
