The Daily Gamecock

Lobbying lawsuit wastes taxpayer funds

Case takes focus off important issues

The ethics lawsuit filed by Republican activist and fundraiser John Rainey against South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley was dismissed after a circuit court judge ruled the issues inappropriate for a circuit court.

AnnieWilsonWebAccording to Rainey, Haley "used her office ... for personal gain by lobbying for Lexington Medical Center and Wilbur Smith Associates."

Rob Godfrey, Haley's spokesman said, "this was a purely political stunt by a bitter has-been." Rainey was looking for attention; the allegations against Haley were weak. Godfrey continued by saying they "need to stop wasting the courts' time and money on totally frivolous, nonsense lawsuits and let the courts and the governor focus on the business of running the state."

The average American pays $755 a year to maintain and run federal, state and local courtrooms.

This case wasted money that could have gone to more valuable causes like schools or roads. If politicians would get their minds off frivolous lawsuits and get to work on something relevant, then we would be better off politically and economically.

Though the case could be sent to the State Ethics Commission should anyone decide to process the accusations further, this situation has no importance compared to the economic situation our country is in. Politicians should not focus on each other and what rules they are breaking, but rather how to help the state of South Carolina in its time of need.

