The Daily Gamecock

In our opinion: More diverse executive cabinet good for SG

Now that he’s put the final touches on his executive cabinet, Chase Mizzell has constructed a diverse and competent administration that helps reflect our university’s student body as a whole.

After wading through a competitive list of 56 applications, Mizzell, USC’s newly inaugurated student body president, selected 30 members of his 31-person executive cabinet. On this list are the obvious choices of well-known, qualified Student Government leaders like Courtland Thomas and Caroline Hendricks. But interestingly, several non-SG leaders in Mizzell’s cabinet come from other prominent student organizations on campus.

While we praise Mizzell’s willingness to shake things up by including both SG insiders and outsiders, we’re even more excited our peers are taking an increasingly active role in student body politics.

At its core, SG is an organization that should advocate for, and thus subsequently be run by, the same diverse group of students represented in the Gamecock community at large. Oftentimes, however, SG can seem out of touch with its constituents. But by including leaders from all walks of life who represent a variety of student interests and concerns, this new cabinet has the potential to eliminate that distance.

We’re always happy to see more and more students voicing an interest in SG, which betters the organization for students and USC as a whole. With an executive cabinet that increasingly comes from outside of SG and aims to fully represent the diverse views of our student body, we eagerly anticipate how Mizzell’s presidential term and executive cabinet work to bring students and SG closer together.
