The Daily Gamecock

In Our Opinion: Carolina Closet a project worth pursuing

For students putting themselves through school, finding the time and funds to get professional attire for interviews can be challenging. The sharp and polished look of business wear is a privilege many of us overlook, but some of us can’t afford it. To combat the problem, SG’s newest project, Carolina Closet, a service designed to alleviate this problem, is in the works and should be introduced in a short time.

Carolina Closet will allow students to borrow the necessary attire for their interviews, theoretically easing the interview process and transition from college to the professional world. Donations are encouraged, and we imagine partnerships with retailers will be found to bolster the selection.

Many students coming from a tough economic background have already conquered perhaps their greatest challenge: attending college. The least USC can do is provide them the clothes necessary to look presentable and professional and seize the opportunities their education has afforded them, if only for crucial interview processes.

The service sounds smart, and we like that. The more students that can bridge the gap from college into the professional world, the better the school looks — literally. It’s a no-brainer, and it’s nice to see Student Government generating good ideas.

Carolina Closet isn’t the only good idea that’s on the horizon. Talks of more projects aimed at bettering student life at USC include Walk Home Cocky, a service aimed at providing safe escort to those returning home from the library, and additional fountains to refill water bottles. Now that Walk Home Cocky has an actual start date set, we’ll be waiting on the rest of the programs to catch up.

Bottom line: Carolina Closet is a smooth move that will alleviate an expense some students don’t even consider because it’s financially out of reach. It should be easy to implement, and we will expect to see it soon.

Ultimately, the jobs we earn after college are a reflection of the school. Anything USC can do to help us in that regard is mutually beneficial, especially something like Carolina Closet; an idea so good, we can only wonder why it’s taken so long to be suggested.
