The Daily Gamecock

Column: CNN film shows Bush in new light

This past Sunday, CNN aired its documentary “41ON41” in which 41 people close to George H.W. Bush, were interviewed.

To celebrate his 90th birthday, the former president and father of our 43rd president went sky-diving.

Whether or not you agree with the choices he made while in office, that’s a gutsy move to make at any age, let alone at 90. He also took the plunge when he turned 75, 80 and 85.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that H.W. Bush is a highflier, considering the leaps he took during his presidency.

This year marked the 25th anniversary of H.W. Bush’s inauguration on January 20, 1989.
From that time to the end of his term in 1993, H.W. Bush oversaw many changes to the world at large, like Operation Desert Storm.

At home, H.W. Bush’s reputation suffered because of a struggling economy. In his campaign, he said he wouldn’t raise taxes, but he ended up doing so because of a budget deficit.
When he lost, his approval ratings were unsurprisingly low, coming in at 47 percent. But now, it’s on the upswing at 58 percent.

Last July, he was recognized by President Barack Obama for his volunteer work in conjunction with the “Points of Light” charity, which includes the HandsOn Network, a coalition of 250 volunteer centers at home and abroad; as well as the AmeriCorps Alums and the Points of Light Corporate Institute.

At the ceremony, Obama told the former president that America is a “kinder and gentler nation” because of him.

H.W. Bush also received an honorary degree from Harvard last month, as well a Profile in Courage Award in May, which was accepted on his behalf by his granddaughter Lauren.

Knowing all of this, it might surprise you to find out that last year, he was hospitalized for seven weeks, being treated for bronchitis.

Looking at his actions, now and in the past, it’s easy to find something inspiring.
Especially for college students, who are told repeatedly that these are the best years of our lives, that we should carpe diem — or YOLO, whichever floats your boat H.W. Bush makes it clear that we should let nothing stop us from doing what we want to do.

Now, though, it’s summer: sunny days and long nights stretch ahead of us, albeit with weather so muggy that it feels like spending time in a sauna. Take advantage of this time, and remember that now is the time to make mistakes, when you’re young enough to fix them.


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