The Daily Gamecock

Column: Feminists are justified in their defensiveness

In response to "Harassing men doesn't help feminism."

I see you trying to be all about gender equality, I do, but I can’t get on board with this whole “overreacting feminists overshadowed science” thing.

This man doesn’t need you to defend him.

This scientist was told that he did something wrong and got overly emotional on national television. Maybe that’s a matter of certain feminist groups being overzealous, but the fact that these groups were so up-in-arms about it just goes to show how he really did make a mistake.

The point isn’t that some scientist wore a bad shirt and then cried about it in a press conference.

The point is that he shouldn’t have been wearing that shirt in the first place. We shouldn’t be living in a world where shirts decorated with scantily clad women and firearms are commonplace on the market.

That is what feminism is working toward. Not just gender equality, but reshaping society so that things like this don’t happen. Let’s go to any retailer and count the number of items over-sexualizing women and compare that to the number of over-sexualized men. Or go watch a bit of TV and just watch how many women are sexualized to move product or get ratings. Men may also be sexualized, yes, but not nearly to the same extent that women are.

The fact that this scientist didn’t even think twice about throwing on a shirt depicting barely-clothed women shooting guns shows why we need feminism.

Matt Taylor didn’t think, “Hm, maybe I should wear a dress shirt and slacks for this major scientific breakthrough.” No, his train of thought was more along the lines of, “Haha, yeah, the public will love this shirt! Girls and guns!”

Maybe you’re quick to call out feminists for upsetting this poor man because you’ve never been catcalled (while wearing sweats head to toe) on your way to class. Maybe you’re jumping the gun (pardon the pun) because you’ve always felt comfortable walking home alone after 5 p.m. I don’t know your reasoning, but I know that it’s uninformed.

So, I understand where you’re coming from. Unfortunately, that place you’re coming from is regrettably uninformed.


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