The Daily Gamecock

In our opinion: Information needs to flow better after flood

The flood at South Quad represents a nightmare scenario for many students.

Your residence hall is trashed. Your belongings are damaged and scattered, and you are a squatter in someone else’s home.

We sympathize with those students affected. Some are without textbooks, computers, notes or other items essential to their education.

Although we understand the difficult circumstances that University Housing is under, we feel that better communication with students is essential. Details on how to retrieve items and other key facts were hazy for some students we talked to regarding the flood. The confusion and uncertainty makes a tough situation tougher.

Keeping track of residents’ property is part of the department’s job, and while it may not be high on the department’s priority list, some essential items are a certainly a priority for displaced students.

We are confident in the initial response capabilities of University Housing to such events — and from our reporting it appeared the department tried to limit further damage to larger items like furniture and tried to avoid potentially dangerous situations. However, we believe the planning for disasters (flooding, fire, structural damage, etc.) should include more effective communication with residents.

Overall, we think the university has responded well to the events of Monday evening. However, providing a little more information, especially to the residents involved and those missing belongings, would help to dam the stream of negative emotions flowing from the situation. 


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