The Daily Gamecock

Top Ten Free Apps for Students


With our unique and busy lives, students need organization more than ever. A new semester has started, bringing with it the insanity that is life at college. The free apps on this list will make studying, spending and generally managing life easier for a generation that is so adept at using technology. So use your phone to its best ability and download these helpful apps without breaking the bank.

1. Venmo

One of the most popular money-wiring apps, Venmo links your phone and your bank account to make payments easier. This is perfect for paying your friends back after a meal, paying your rent and requesting money from people who owe you.

2. EasyBib

It’s true; the beloved citation website now has a free app. By simply scanning a book’s barcode, the app can produce MLA, APA and more citations for you. As if it weren't easy enough to plug in the information online, now the work is all done instantly.

3. Google Drive

Google Docs are widely used by students and teachers alike, and being able to access them from your phone makes a huge difference. The Google Drive app allows you (and whoever else has access) to open and edit all the files you have on your Drive, and they’re all safely stored in case anything ever happens to your phone or computer.

4. Mint

If your bank account seems to be smaller and smaller every time you check it, maybe it’s time you had a better budgeting system. With Mint, you can keep track of all your cards and accounts in one place, so you can track that crazy spending, create budgets and set reminders for yourself.

5. Wunderlist

Not only does this app allow you to create neat and organized lists, you can share them with your family and friends. If you’re working on a group project, you can easily share ideas and tasks, as well as attach documents and pictures. The app also automatically syncs between all your devices. Upgrade to Pro for $4.99 a month for the most access to files and subtasks.

6. Quizlet

You’ve probably heard of Quizlet before; you can make and use virtual flashcards for yourself and your classmates. Regular flashcards are a great study tool, but when they’re online, you’re saving tons of time and being green. Now Quizlet is available in this handy and free app, so get studying!

7. CliffsNotes 

Yet another well-used website turned app, CliffsNotes is even more helpful than you remember. By providing summaries, character descriptions, literary analyses and more, this app is incredibly helpful if your course load is book-heavy. You can even take quizzes as part of the app’s “Cram Plan.”

8. Dropbox

With Dropbox, it’s easy to share files with professors and classmates. This app allows you to upload documents, pictures and videos to the cloud so that you can access them from anywhere. You can even access it on a computer, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting an important paper or project at home.

9. Sunrise Calendar

This calendar app is one of the best out there. It connects the calendars and events of all your favorite accounts (like Facebook and Evernote) and helps you manage all the things you have to do and places you have to be. You can schedule meetings, figure out the weather at specific locations and even keep up with your favorite sports teams, all organized on a gorgeous interface.

10. CalcMadeEasy

You could spend $100 on a top-quality scientific calculator … or you could just download this app, available for free (or $1.99 for Pro). With all the functions of a scientific calculator, you can do all your math homework without ever having to worry about forgetting your clunky TI-84.


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