The Daily Gamecock

Letter: Reagan was a great president

This letter is in response to the article "We don't need another Reagan," which ran Nov. 18, 2015.

A few comments on Linden Atelsek’s column regarding electing another Ronald Reagan:

Ms. Atelsek infers Reagan: (1) was a political newcomer, (2) popular because of his stage presence, (3) a jokester for implementing “trickle down” economics, (4) a hawk who increased military spending, (5) a charmer with a dearth of political experience and (6) the worst president in living memory.

Wow! Pretty opinionated stuff for a second-year student whose memory must reasonably go back as far as the Clinton administration (presuming she was politically intrigued in kindergarten).

Being of the opinion that logic, facts, truth and common sense will never alter the opinion of a zealot, progressive (i.e. liberal) or even Ms. Atelsek, I would pray she could at least pause to consider a few thoughts from someone who remembers Reagan (and all other presidents back to Truman).

Reagan took over from the Peanut Administration an America paying interest in the teens and unable to buy a full tank of gas. We were a nation being kicked in the shins by every third-rate country on the globe with impunity. The world was at the height of the Cold War. (I’m betting she never went through nuclear air raid drills in secondary school). Our national mood was malaise.

Under Reagan, people prospered. Optimism returned. We were once again proud to be American. Reagan won World War III without firing a shot or launching a missile. (Ms. Atelsek suggests our military buildup had nothing to do with that, so clearly the Russians just decided to be good guys and cooperate in the name of peace).

Not bad for an “ultraconservative charmer with a dearth of political experience," eh?

I am not necessarily a fan of Ms. Atelsek’s “immigrant-bashing carnival barker." But I’ve seen what a community organizer has done to this country and fear what would result from a queen’s coronation.

If she would like to opine about the worst president in living memory, perhaps Ms. Atelsek could write a column about the community organizer currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I presume she could reason more clearly as a young adult than as a toddler.


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