The Daily Gamecock

Parent Opinion: What it's like to have a kid in college

What is it like to have a child away at college? I would have to say it is like a proverbial rollercoaster ride. From the joy of finding that acceptance package in the mail to preparing for graduation and beyond, the ride is full of twists and turns, with a few loop-the-loops thrown in for good measure. 

It has been almost three years since we opened that big white envelope with the garnet “WELCOME." What a day that was, filled with such excitement and pride. We were so proud of our daughter, who worked tirelessly through her whole primary, middle and high school years to make her lifelong dream of being a Gamecock a reality. And then, uh-oh, here comes the freefall! My baby was going to be spending her college years hours away in South Carolina. We were the lucky parents, though, that had at least lived in Columbia, been USC students ourselves and still had great friends in the town. Now, we go back up the track thinking about all the future has in store for our student.

Memories come rushing back: all the beautiful buildings, the majestic oaks, the President’s rose garden, and of course, Williams-Brice Stadium's resounding notes of "2001." USC offers students such an incredible opportunity to live, learn and grow. How could we, as parents, not be excited for her to go there? Then, we hit another twist! What about roommates? Will they get along? Will they become lifelong friends? Will she get the classes she needs? What if she gets sick, and I am not there to help her feel better or at least try? Will she eat right? What about exams?

Of course, there will always be things to worry about, and there will always be challenges. That first year sure had its ups and downs, including that first birthday away from home and wondering if the favorite cake that was mailed would get there in time and unbroken. Also, who could forget the flood of 2015 in South Carolina? We parents were so concerned about everyone there but so glad to see our children's faces when they made it home, even if they were tired, hungry and in need of a hug and a shower.

All in all, we have been very blessed. The good times have outweighed the not-so-good times, and so far, the ride has been a mostly-smooth one. We think fondly about hearing the news that USC Dance Marathon not only met but exceeded their goal, and our students knew what a huge difference they just made for a child and their family in need.  How much fun did we have sharing phone calls and texts messages as we anxiously watched the men’s and women’s basketball teams in the NCAA Tournament? There was a lot of holding our breath on that thrill ride.

There will always be so many special moments to share and so many lessons to be learned. There will be triumphs and failures, happiness and heartbreaks, and through it all, we parents will hope, pray and be there for the late night phone call to provide encouragement or just simply a virtual shoulder to lean on. Yes, having a child away at college is a thrilling, chilling rollercoaster ride, and it is worth every minute.


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