The Daily Gamecock

Erin Burke

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	Students gather Monday to pray for Martha Childress, the victim of Sunday’s Five Points shooting.

Students gather Monday to pray for Martha Childress, the victim of Sunday’s Five Points shooting.

	Braxton Towery and his wife, Shelley, of Carolina CRU and Greek Impact, led students in a time of prayer and scripture in support of Martha Childress, the victim of Sunday’s shooting.

Braxton Towery and his wife, Shelley, of Carolina CRU and Greek Impact, led students in a time of prayer and scripture in support of Martha Childress, the victim of Sunday’s shooting.

	University President Harris Pastides walks with Henrie Monteith Treadwell and James Solomon Jr. to the site of the future desegregation reflection garden.

University President Harris Pastides walks with Henrie Monteith Treadwell and James Solomon Jr. to the site of the future desegregation reflection garden.

	Henrie Monteith Treadwell and James Solomon Jr. turn over the dirt at the site of the future desegregation reflection garden, leaving a shovel stationary in remembrance of Robert Anderson, who, with Treadwell and Solomon, desegregated the university in 1963.

Henrie Monteith Treadwell and James Solomon Jr. turn over the dirt at the site of the future desegregation reflection garden, leaving a shovel stationary in remembrance of Robert Anderson, who, with Treadwell and Solomon, desegregated the university in 1963.

Jordan Hicks (Senior Biology major), Sean McJunkis (Senior Criminal Justice), Spencer Willis (Senior Media Arts), Jon Mattus (Senior zmrketing and Management)

Jordan Hicks (Senior Biology major), Sean McJunkis (Senior Criminal Justice), Spencer Willis (Senior Media Arts), Jon Mattus (Senior zmrketing and Management)

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