The Daily Gamecock

Loss of military funds will hurt state economy

Closing bases pushes families away

The article in The State, "Next round of cuts could threaten S.C. bases," tells of the dramatic price cuts that will change South Carolina's military bases and economy. This is not news to South Carolina. The Pentagon has already decided on implementing $487 billion in cuts, but this supposedly was not to affect South Carolina. The article says "another $600 billion in cuts could be required because of last year's debt-ceiling standoff in Congress," possibly shutting down local military bases.


I agree with the fact that the United States obviously needs to make major changes in the amount of money it spends, due to the tremendous debt the country faces. But like many other states, South Carolina is hugely populated by military families, and there is tremendous support for armed services. Cutting bases would not be good for anyone because families will have to move, robbing the state's economy of a significant resource. These bases contribute $7.1 billion a year in total impact, which is a huge number considering the size of the military presence here. Any threat to this presence could weaken an already endangered South Carolina economy.
