The Daily Gamecock

Dear USC

Dear Autumn Annoyances

Dear Confused Dresser,
Fall is an odd season in South Carolina. One moment,it’s 90 degrees out and the next day it’s like an arctic tundra. It’s hard to decide what to wear, but this doesn’t mean you’re odd outfit choices are acceptable. Before you walk out of your house in the morning in a cashmere sweater in summer weather, or the worst, shorts and Uggs. Open your door, feel the temperature, or better yet, look at the weather! A groundbreaking concept, but maybe this way you can dress appropriately, bring a sweater if needed, and not flaunt your rain boots on a sunny day. Also, for all of you who just love summer, stop the denial. Fall is here and soon will winter, so retire your bathing suit and tanks.

Dear Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater,
No one could be happier for fall than you. You rave all year about how you can’t wait to get your hands on a pumpkin spice latte. We understand how delicious these things are, but we’ve understood this for about ten years now. Go ahead and eat your pumpkin muffin, while you sip your pumpkin coffee and bake pumpkin bread and salted pumpkin seeds. Just stop tweeting about it like the rest of the entire female population of America.

Dear Foliage Freak,
In case you didn’t know, in the fall the leaves change color and fall. It happens every year. Every. Single. Year. But somehow the 20-something-year-olds of college are still astounded enough by this concept that they must stop, photograph, Tweet, Instagram and Facebook it happening. Because of you, we no longer have to even leave our bedrooms to take a look at the beauty fall brings. We can do it right from our computers! Thanks for making us lazier than we already are.


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