The Daily Gamecock


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Republicans wisely reform, modernize

While most of us were sleeping last night, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz spent all night talking in what may be the strangest “almost but not technically” filibuster you’ll ever see.

Proposed legislation concerning for journalism

What does it mean to be a journalist? The answer largely depends on who you ask. Most people would agree that the hosts of prime-time news shows and reporters for the thousands of daily and student newspapers in the U.S.

In Our Opinion: Carolina Alerts helpful, but not quite perfect

There was a veritable buzz about campus Tuesday. Perhaps literally, as most everyone’s phone went off with a text from Carolina Alert, USC’s communication system for local crime, inclement weather and otherwise compromising events that we need to be made aware of.

The art of diplomacy triumphs over war

A child scurries to his mother whining, “Someone stole my cookie!” The mother wisely responds, “Just use your words, and talk it out.” It’s funny how some things you learn when you’re young reappear as valuable lessons someone of any age can learn from.