The Daily Gamecock

Board approves construction plans

Health center to expand by 64,500 square feet

The board of trustees’ buildings and grounds committee approved a $27.5 million project to expand the Thomson Student Health Center and a five-year comprehensive permanent improvement plan at its Friday meeting.

The second phase of the health center will be built between the existing health center and the Thomas Cooper Library. The land currently has a path from the Russell House to the library.

The $27.5 million bill will be footed with $13 million in state institution bonds and $14.5 million in health center reserve funds.

The new building will be connected to the existing one and will be a three-floor, 64,500-square-foot structure. It will increase available space for clinics, labs, the pharmacy and health care education.

University architect Derek Gruner said 30 percent more students will be able to be seen each month once the new health center is built.

The comprehensive permanent improvement plan introduced multiple planned projects that the board will have to vote on in the future. Those include a $30.5 million renovation of Bates West, which will add about 600 beds, Gruner said; a $25 million renovation of the Law Center that includes a “laboratory redevelopment;” and a $125 million redevelopment of the Carolina Coliseum. Chief Financial Officer Ed Walton requested the $125 million from the state initially, but withdrew that request Friday, telling trustees it was a mistake. The project is listed to take place during the 2015-2016 fiscal year and be funded with capital improvement bonds.


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