The Daily Gamecock


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In Our Opinion: Pets Inc. faces closure, but USC can help

Pets Inc., a West Columbia no-kill animal shelter, is facing closure as it battles debt, an undermanned staff and a stock of animals far beyond its capacity. Fortunately for Pets Inc., they’ve got the support of their community; we think the USC community should join in the effort to keep the shelter open. Emma Robl — along with hopefully many more that support Pets Inc.’s cause — is rallying in an effort to help get the shelter the funding needs to stay afloat.

Diversity adds new layer to university learning

Diversity on college campuses is paramount to the overall learning experience, so USC’s recent earning of the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award by INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine.

CISPA's reintroduction follows concerning pattern

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, otherwise known as CISPA, is back in the Senate. Last we heard, the bill was dead on arrival in the Senate, after it was effectively grounded by Edward Snowden’s PRISM revelation.

In Our Opinion: More Columbia business could decrease crime

While Monday’s mayoral candidate forum in the Ernest F. Hollings library was primarily focused — and rightfully so — on issues of safety in Five Points and Columbia as a whole, that’s not all the three contenders for mayor talked about.

In Our Opinion: Leaders must pinpoint Five Points' true problem

Everyone agrees: Five Points is a problem area for Columbia. But until everyone agrees on exactly what that problem is, it won’t be fixed. The shooting that left our fellow Gamecock, 18-year-old Martha Childress, paralyzed from the waist down is another on a long list of tragedies that could have been avoided if everyone with an opinion on the bar district’s woes did have “a 100 percent accurate idea of what’s going on.” We think it’s obvious: The two major factors in Five Points crime are gang violence and what truly is a “revolving door” judicial system. Those problems aren’t going to be fixed with 2 a.m.

Letter to the Editor: Condemnation of Five Points unnecessary

The recent statement by USC President Harris Pastides concerning safety issues at Five Points should give us pause for a number of reasons, and not so much because of its obvious lack of intellectual sophistication in concluding there are safety issues right after a very tragic incident has occurred.