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Planned Parenthood needs to draw clear lines

Gruesome Gosnell case illustrates lack of regulations in abortion industry While media attention was turned this week on gun control and the explosions at the Boston Marathon, members of Congress were attempting to bring notoriety to the atrocities mentioned in the trial of Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist in Philadelphia.

Senate decision sets poor example for rest of world

Chinese criticism brings up flaws in US politics The Senate’s decision on gun control this past week opened another string of vehement discourse, but this time the conversation has trickled outside our nation’s boundaries.

CNN misinformation unacceptable for media

News giant needs to check facts before it loses credibility, viewer population I’ve used the words of author James Gleick before, and they’re applicable once again after CNN’s latest misinformation debacle.

Immigration bill provides hope for illegal immigrants

In his inaugural address earlier this year, President Barack Obama claimed, “Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity,” and so far it appears that we have done so.

Nation needs to stay strong for Boston victims

Bond of community can overpower acts of terror The strength of community and the tenacious nature of the human spirit are perhaps best reflected by a marathon, where strangers from around the world cheer on other strangers who have expended so much effort to accomplish a feat they probably initially considered impossible.

SC must put citizens, future of state over interests of corporations

Solar energy bill good for state’s future, economy South Carolina’s Congress is not exactly known for being progressive, so it was not entirely unexpected when a bill was shot down in February which would have allowed non-utility parties (that is, anyone other than SCE&G or Duke Energy) to install solar panels.